Conversation view: Gmail is known for it, and even Outlook has offered it since version 2010. More importantly, it can save you a lot of time and sorting hassle. Conversation view is turned off by default in Outlook (you can turn it on in the View tab), as it can be a bit confusing for people who aren’t used to it.

Yet for many people, it can be a real timesaver to have all emails from a conversation gathered together in one thread (regardless of where they are filed). This is especially handy if you need to checkPro-tip! the history of the conversation.


<aside> 💡 Pro-tip! If you use conversation view and you file or delete the most recent email, the rest of the conversation might jump to a different spot in your inbox or folder (to the time of the next-most-recent email in the conversation). Also note that, if you change the email subject, it will start a new thread – and in some clients, different threads with the same subject might be combined.
